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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

the bow

I have the hardest time these days getting Abby to keep her hair bows on. It makes me so sad because she looks soooo cute in a bow. But, she just HATES to wear them anymore. Here's a picture from a week a go and our hair bow battle.

"Momma, I'm taking this off!"

"But Momma, I HAAAAATE it!"

Look close and you can see she even broke out the tears on me.

How sad is this face? I almost gave in at this point....

but instead, I gave her the remote and she forgot all about the bow.

1 comment:

Seneca said...

Tess and I sooo know about the bows. It usually takes Madsion a little more work to get her out of her head, but she eventually gets the job done.