Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

29 weeks

11 more to go! Wow! That doesn't seem like many at all. I had a good visit with my dr today. Basically everything that I told her that was wrong with me she had the same response....."YEP, that happens sometimes." Things are going good. My hormones are in full swing for sure. I've had a couple of breakdowns lately, but I keep telling myself, only a couple more months. You CAN get through this. So, if you thought of walking up to me and saying, "You sure are getting big." Please just walk the other way. I'm liable to have another breakdown within seconds.


Seneca said...

Hmmm. Not sure what to say, but what do I know? I'm just a guy. Very happy to hear that baby Wagnon is healthy and so are you. Tess is about 10 days away from her due date and I'm sure she understand completely how you feel. Hang in there!!!

Niki said...

You CAN do it, and you are beautiful. And you gave me my new motto - Cleaning is for the weak!! LOL!!! Love it!

Taylor said...

Jill, if anyone says "You sure are getting big", let me know and I'll smack them for you. I'm telling you, those words should be outlawed!

Daphine said...

Hang in there Jill!

It it makes you feel better, it is completely normal having more and more breakdowns/meltdown in the last few weeks! I remember being very emotionally the last two weeks. I remember crying just about everyday. Again, it's normal! You're almost there!

Take care!